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Darwin Day 2013
Andrew Read, our Darwin Day speaker, has had to cancel. We regret to announce that there will be no Darwin Day arrangement in 2013. The committee apologizes, and promises to be back next year!
Disease Evolution
Flesh-eating bacteria, multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis, and pesticides that no longer work
appear ever more frequently in news headlines. Humanity is engaged in an arms race
between pathogens and medicines, and we're losing terrain. What is our plan B?
Andrew Read argues that the problem is caused by medication. We carpet bomb our bodies
with antibiotics, and the only surviving microbes are those that are resistant to the drug.
What efficiently makes you recover from a disease today, is also creating superbugs that
will give our children incurable illnesses some years from now. Do we need to think
differently about disease and medication? What good advice exist? Which questions will dominate
in the future of the medical sciences?
Horizon lecture open to everyone:
Andrew Read Evolution kills: the adaptation of disease-causing organisms and what to do about it
Tuesday 12 February CANCELLED. Egget, Studentsenteret.
Free entrance. Snacks are served prior to the lecture, which will be held in English.
Evolution is one of the leading challenges for 21st century medicine and public health.
Cancers, pathogens and disease-transmitting organisms like mosquitoes rapidly evolve in
response to medical and public health interventions. This adaptive evolution can erode
the efficacy of initially effective technologies like drugs, vaccines, and insecticides.
Managing evolution (and equally, avoiding evolutionary mismanagement) requires a
quantitative understanding of the competing ecological forces shaping this
adaptation, not least those forces imposed by medical practice. I will argue that
'adaptation science' offers the prospect of rational evolutionary management and can
suggest new ways to evolution-proof health care technologies.
Lunch lecture in collaboration with Center for International Health and Haukeland University Hospital:
Andrew Read Drug resistance: evidence based evolutionary science in medical practice and policy
Tuesday 12 February CANCELLED. Stort auditorium, Haukeland University Hospital.
Free entrance. The lecture will be held in English.
Drug resistant pathogens are one of the key public health challenges of the 21st
century. There is a widespread belief that resistance can be prevented or considerably
slowed by using strong drug pressure to rapidly eliminate target pathogens from
patients. I will argue that this need not be so, because aggressive chemotherapy also
imposes intense 'natural' selection in favor of resistance. Experimentally, we find
that less aggressive chemotherapeutic regimes can deliver better resistance management
without compromising health outcomes. Thus, opposing evolutionary forces determine
resistance evolution. Consequently, for a wide variety of pathogens, an evidence-based
approach is needed to curtail resistance evolution.
Why is the Darwin Day celebrated?
Who is behind the Darwin Day in Bergen?
The Darwin Day 2013 in Oslo
Earlier events
2009 (Darwin anniversary),