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Stars on Evolution

Meet the World's Leading Researchers on Evolution

Sunday 30 August 18:30
Humour, art, shopping
Geoffrey Miller    evolutionary psychologist
Sex, Mutations, and Marketing - The Nature and Culture of Mental Fitness Indicators
With Harald Eia

Wednesday 21 October 19:00
Economy and evolution
Peter Hammerstein    biologist
Decision Theory and the Crossfertilisation Between Economics and Evolutionary Biology
With Gaute Torsvik

Saturday 24 October 18:00
Evolution and religion
Daniel Dennett    philosopher
The Evolution of "Why?"
With Bjørn Vassnes

Thursday 19 November 19:00
The Origin of Species
Kevin Padian    paleontologist
Darwin's Enduring Legacy
- And Some Enduring Myths

Thursday 26 November 18:00
DNA and heredity
Miroslav Radman and
Philippe Marlière
    molecular biologists
Evolution by Natural and Un-natural Selection:
The Molecular Mechanics of Biodiversity

Location: Sardinen USF, Georgernes Verft 12 .
Click links above for more information about each event. Free admission. The lectures suit all audiences, but will be held in English. Funding comes from the University of Bergen and the Research Council of Norway. The Darwin celebrations are organized by the Department of Biology, University of Bergen, in collaboration with the University of Oslo.
List of earlier Darwin events. [In Norwegian]
Why celebrate Darwin in 2009? [In Norwegian]
Who is organizing the Darwin celebrations? [In Norwegian]
The Darwin year in Oslo.

Department of Biology